Our canine companions need space to run, and the backyard is an ideal spot for daily exercise, provided you’ve secured your yard with appropriate fencing. Since you’re probably not an expert on fencing, though, you may not know which styles or features are best suited to safely containing your furry friend. How can you choose a fence with dog in mind?
Most of us choose a fence based on considerations like privacy and aesthetic appeal. This isn’t the best strategy if your main goal is to keep your dog in the yard, not to mention ensure his safety. Here are a few things you’ll need to consider that can help you choose a fence with dog in mind.
Measure Negative Space
Slat fences can be a beautiful addition to your yard, but if there are spaces between the slats, you need to make sure they’re narrow enough that your dog can’t squeeze through and escape, or worse, get himself stuck. Measuring open spaces applies not only to the area between fence slats, but also spaces beneath the fence line, if the bottom is elevated, and any space between the fence and the gate or the fencing and structures, for example.
Consider Foundations
Is your dog a digger? If so, you need to consider whether or not he’ll be able to tunnel under the fence you place around the perimeter of your property. If you have a breed known for digging, you’ll need to account for it not only with a fence that touches the ground, but with added precautions like in-ground pet barrier solutions.
Often made from wire or mesh, these add-ons require you to dig a trench along your fence line, insert the barrier (perhaps attaching the top of the barrier to the bottom of the fence), and refill the soil. This way when your pooch starts digging, he’ll find only more fencing blocking his way.
Consider Height
While some dogs are diggers, others are jumpers, and this can be dangerous, depending on the type of fencing you have. First, you want to try to choose fencing that’s too tall for your dog to scale. If this becomes problematic because you don’t want a 10-foot tall fence, you can always install coyote roll bars at the top so dogs that jump high enough will find no purchase and fall back into the yard.
What you want to avoid at all costs is a fence with any kind of uneven top. Picket fences with pointed slats, chain link fencing with posts sticking up above the fence line, and similar hazards should be avoided as your pet could become caught by the collar or even impaled as he tries to jump over.
Add Locking Gates
This is a must. It’s certainly wise to think about how devious your dog could be in his efforts to exit your yard, but don’t forget about the potential for human error. With locking gates, you’ll never have to worry about someone accidentally letting the dog out.
When you need appropriate fencing to keep your best friend safely contained, contact the knowledgeable and experienced professionals at All Around Fence at 443-838-9374 or online to get a quick quote and learn more.