We Help You Keep Pets Safely Contained
Owning Huskies ourselves, we understand, and respect the issues that people can have with their dogs looking to roam freely! We install a wide variety of dog fencing that can keep your pets contained, as well as keep them safe.
Everyone’s pets behave differently, whether it is aggressive animal that you own, your pet’s safety or you just want to keep your pets contained so you don’t have to follow them to the bathroom every time, we take great pride in keeping peoples animals at home where they belong!
We have worked alongside locally with Drew Sandberg, who is well known in the area for his dog training skills, as well as his work with rescuing pit bulls and other breeds. We have learned a lot from him over the years with our own pets, as well as how we can keep our customers pets contained safely and keep everyone happy!

Start with the Right Dog Fencing
There is no right or wrong style of fence for a dog, the most important thing is to make sure that you choose the correct fence for your individual situation, which we are pleased to help you with! Regardless of what fence you choose, it is critically important that the fence fulfills the primary responsibility. That is – keeping your dog contained and everyone else out. Don’t start with a short fence and decide to add on later if needed. The dog will only learn he has to jump higher.
We recommend you use a stationary fence. Not just because we sell them, but, it is the safest solution if you own a dog. And, your dog has the freedom to roam the entire yard. Invisible barriers, training, and temporary fences may appeal to your budget, but, they are not a safe option. Just one fluffy squirrel running past your yard and all could be lost even with the best training.
If you have a jumper or athletic breed of dog, we can help you determine the best fence for the safety of your pets (even if it is still a puppy). If you own a small dog, we can give you tips to prevent them from sliding under fences too.
Read more about choosing a good fence for your dog.
Read about adjusting your fence for your dog.