MHIC #97820
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MHIC #97820

Will My Privacy Fence Require Maintenance?

September 18, 2017

There are two types of costs associated with any home improvement: the fence installation and the upkeep. If you are thinking about getting a privacy fence, you need to consider the future upkeep just as much as the initial costs. Will your privacy fence require maintenance? Probably, but it may not be much. Let’s look at some of the factors that will influence your maintenance requirements.

Fence Materials Influence Maintenance Requirements

The type of privacy fence that you choose to get will determine how much maintenance it needs. Vinyl fencing requires almost no maintenance beyond the occasional cleaning. However, it is more expensive than other fencing materials. A more affordable option like wood will need to be stained once every few years to maintain its shine and protect the surface of the fence posts.

During your privacy fence installation quote, we can tell you what the approximate maintenance costs will be for each fencing material. You may decide that a slightly more expensive fence now is a better fit due to low maintenance requirements later on. Talk to one of our fencing experts about your options to find the best one for your needs.

Color Will Also Influence Your Privacy Fence Maintenance

The color of your fence posts will also determine how much maintenance they need. This mostly comes down to aesthetics. White fence posts are going to show dirt more than brown fence posts. Thus you may need to clean them more often because they look less appealing. The amount of dirt will be the same on both fences, but the way it looks will depend on the color. If you have fencing that is most likely going to get dirty a lot (like fencing right next to a busy street), you may want a color that is going to hide dirt well and require less maintenance.

Some Damage Is beyond Your Control

Your privacy fence may get damaged in a manner that’s beyond your control. For instance, if the neighbor’s dog scratches one part of your fence consistently, you may need to replace that part of the fence posts over time. This is a maintenance expense that you cannot predict but should allow for. When we tour your property, we will let you know if there are any major obstacles that could damage your fencing later on. The best example of this would be tree roots that are starting to grow on the surface of the ground. We can address these issues before your fence gets installed, as needed.

How to Maintain Your Privacy Fence

Fence maintenance varies by materials. When we install your privacy fence, we will let you know how to keep the posts looking their best. If you need fence maintenance in the future, like privacy fence staining, just give us a call. Your fencing will look great for years to come with All Around Fence by your side.


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